Honey for Wound Healing

Wound healing is a complex process with many interdependent pathophysiological and immunological mediators to restore the cellular integrity of damaged tissue. Cutaneous wound healing is the repair response to a multitude of pathologies induced by trauma, surgery, and burn leading to the restoration and functionality of the compromised cells.

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Pollen Alters Amino Acid Levels in the Honey Bee Brain

Pollen nutrition is necessary for proper growth and development of adult honey bees. Yet, it is unclear how pollen affects the honey bee brain and behavior.

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Has Your Honey Been Adulterated?

Examples of adulteration might be blending the honey with other syrups, cane sugar, and other ingredients to dilute its quality. Pasteurization and heating is...

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Bee Poem by Patrice Vecchione

Patrice Vecchione has written a lovely poem about spring, bee pollinating, and beekeeping. The poem was inspired by interactions with Lynne and the bees of Amen...

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How Amen Bee Makes its Honey

Lynne Bottazzo extracts only capped honey from the hives after the bees have entirely removed the moisture with their wings. Instead of heating her honey to...

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